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A custody agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions related to child custody between two parents who are no longer together. A well-drafted custody agreement is essential to ensure that the child`s best interests are protected, and the parents have clear guidelines to follow. In this article, we will provide you with a sample custody agreement that can be used as a reference when drafting your own custody agreement.


This custody agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on [DATE] between [FATHER`S NAME] (“Father”) and [MOTHER`S NAME] (“Mother”) with respect to their child, [CHILD`S NAME] (“Child”).

Custody Arrangements

The parties agree to have joint legal custody of the Child. This means that both parents will have equal rights and responsibilities regarding major decisions regarding the Child`s welfare, including education, healthcare, and religion.

The parties also agree to share physical custody of the Child. The Child will reside primarily with Mother, and Father will have visitation rights every other weekend from Friday evening to Sunday evening. Additionally, the Child will spend alternate holidays and school breaks equally between the parties, as agreed upon by the parties.


The parties agree to maintain open communication regarding the Child`s welfare. The parties will provide each other with the Child`s medical, educational, and other significant information. The parties will also provide each other with their current contact information.


The parties agree to notify each other of any significant changes in residence within a reasonable amount of time before moving. If one party wishes to relocate with the Child, he or she must request permission from the other party before doing so. The parties agree to negotiate in good faith regarding any proposed relocation and to consider the impact on the Child`s relationship with the non-relocating parent.


The parties agree that this agreement is subject to modification if circumstances significantly change, and it becomes necessary to do so. Any modifications must be agreed upon by both parties and should be made in writing.

Dispute Resolution

The parties agree to resolve any dispute regarding the Child`s welfare by negotiation or mediation. If the dispute is not resolved by negotiation or mediation, the parties may seek the assistance of a court of competent jurisdiction.


This sample custody agreement serves as a reference when drafting your own custody agreement. It is crucial to ensure that the agreement is tailored to your specific circumstances and is in compliance with your state`s laws. Therefore, it is recommended to seek the advice of an attorney when drafting a custody agreement. A well-drafted custody agreement protects the child`s best interests and provides clear guidelines for the parents to follow, resulting in a healthy and happy child-parent relationship.